King Midas was a nice thoughtful king, who wanted the best for his people, and his daughter. His daughter, Aurelia, was his pride and joy. He would do anything for her. He wanted to have all the gold in the world, so that when he died, Aurelia would have all she ever needed.

      One day, he found a poor old man in the garden. Unlike most people back then, who wolud have had the man put in his dungon , King Midas brought the poor man inside. He let him sit at his dinner table and have a wonderul meal. The man turned out to be the mighty God Dinonisus. He was happy with King Midas's hospitalityso he granted King Midas one wish.

      King Midas wished for every thing he touched to turn to gold. But the did not belive theat the God colud give him such a gift. But when he awoke the next mornig his clothes and sheets were all GOLD. the King was very happy. He ran down the stairs and as he did, he changed them to gold.

       He cerlebrated but everything he touched turned to gold so he could not drink or eat. His daughter tied to confort him but when she ran up to touch and turned to gold. He was devastated and ran to Dinonisus pleading for help. He told him to go to the pond in the woods and cleanse himself. He was cured. Everything he touched from now on turned back but he kept one single rose. To remind him of the event.